In 1990, the web page was build, arranged, and decorated by amateur. Web design does not always depend on Adobe programs. In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee went to live with the first web page at CERN. In 1993-1994, it was a new period for the web page design, but it was primordial ways. Prof.Dr. pages have their distinct appearance primitive and all the same. Primitively is not only a browser but it allows user to edit from browser's templates. We observe an interesting from Prof.Dr to Web Vernacular from 1993 to 1996, it was a pure madness. Stages of the evolution of the web page: 1) they make changes in the hyperlinks from blue to purple, when the user click on it, so that the user can distinguish visited links from unvisited ones. 2) They begin to change color and font size. 3) The next logical step after bringing colors to the text is to customize the background color. 4) The background color replaced with a background image. 5) The academic look is replacing semantic markup elements with graphics. Lists li becoming bullets, bubbles and icons. 6) Horizontal rules hr get transformed into more spectacular lines. 7) The images get animated making pages looking less and less serious. 8) In 1990, they made a web layout with tables by arranging content in columns and cells.

I went to Werner Romiseh's page. I found this page is funny because there is no background color or image. He didn't use any layout and navigation menu which help users in transition between the pages. The image that he provides is so big and take long time to load. Also, he didn't take care of the margin in his page and didn't use color font. This page was primordial way than today. Now our pages use professional programs such as Html5, Css5 and Java script to build attractive website.